It all started when a group of teachers with a background in Norwegian as a second language wanted to create a program for people who wanted/needed more training in the Norwegian language
We in Lær norsk online wanted to offer a program to help people be able to learn more Norwegian and become integrated in the Norwegian society from the comfort of their own homes.
Together with multiple NAV offices we have been able to help multiple students learn Norwegian in both oral and written form. We in Lær norsk online are proud of our students and the accomplishments that they have shown in our programs.
We tailor and adapt the courses to the individual needs of every student in every course. Each student ends up in the coure they need to be in to see best results.
Each student gets a certificate upon compleation of the course.
All courses are held online with a teacher present. This means that every student can learn Norwegian form the comfort of their own home.
We in Lær norsk online work purposefully so that each student will perform their best.
For more information on prices and avalible spots klikk the butten!