In addition to our Norwegain couses we offer ekstra courses on different topics. These courses rage from extra speach training to cooking courses!
In our language trainging courses, we help studesnt that are in need of more oral language training. We create groups where participants and teachers practice norwegain oral formulations and the norwegain language.
Under our language trainig courses you can expect to activly participate oraly.
Here you can expect to learn more about Norwegian prowerbs and various Norwegain concepts. In anddition to this, students will learn a lot about the Norwegian culture and society. Relevant topics will be used as traing material.
Qualified teachers and specialists are employed to help those who need it to integrate into Norwegian society in a better and easier way.
Follow-up shall provide assistance with a view to initiative participants acquiring and / or retaining paid work.
The goal is for the initiative participant to be as self-sufficient as possible with a lasting connection to working life. Follow-up can include career guidance, assistance with targeted job search and job development, guidance and advice related to work participation for both initiative participants and employers, training in work-related and social skills as well as follow-up and facilitation in the workplace to facilitate transition to work and secure job retention.
We arrange online Establishment course.
The aim of the course is to increase the participants' competence in establishment subjects that will enable them to establish their own business and make it sustainable.
The course is aimed at jobseekers who have a business idea and want to establish their own business.
Do you want to learn how to make some new and healthy dishes? We offer cooking classes online. The course runs over 7 times of 2 hours. You can choose to join as many times as you want.